Born: 27. 09. 1965 in Zagreb

Graduated in 1992

In Gavella since 1995

Until 1995 she was a member of the ITD Theatre ensemble where she perfromed in numerous productions. Received the award for the ITD Theatre's best actress in the season 1993/1994.

Performed in ''The Night Flight'', ''The Passengers'', ''Bitter, Bitter Moon'', ''The Fever'', ''Dead Wedding'', ''After Hamlet'', ''The Swing'', ''Fernando Krapp Sent Me This Letter'', ''It's Important to be Invited''.

At the Dubrovnik Summer Festival performed in the productions ''After Hamlet'' and ''Dundo Maroje''

In the Montenegro National Theatre won the award for the role of Arkadina in the play ''The Seagull''

In her parent thatre Gavella she performed in the following productions: ''The Croatian Nightingale'', ''Oblomov'', ''The Talisman'', ''Dundo Maroje'', ''The Wedding'', ''Angels of Babylon'' (won an award at Marulić Days), ''Culture in the Suburbia'', ''The Winter's Tale'', ''The Little Golden Calf'', ''Measels'', ''All in the Timing'', ''Bakhe'', ''Popcorn'', ''Tirsa'', ''Dangerous Liaisons'', ''Before Sleep''...

TV SERIES: ''The Family Thing'', ''Stormy Silences'', ''The Golden Jug'', ''Catch the Thief!''


  • J. Sedlar: ''In the Midst of My Days''
  • L. Nola: ''When Nobody's Looking''
  • H. Hribar: ''The Tranquiliser Gun''
  • H. Hribar: ''Between Zaglul and Zacharius''
  • L. Nola: ''Russian Flesh''
  • B. Gamulin: ''Slow Surrender''
  • S. Tribusson: ''God Forbid a Worse Thing Should Happen''
  • H.Hribar: ''What Is a Man Without a Mustache?''
  • V. Bulajić: ''Libertas''

Active in the drama programme of the Croatian Radio


  • ''All in the Timing'', David Ives; director Mario Kovač, December 15, 2000
  • ''Culture in the Suburbia’’, Robert Perišić, director: Milan Živković, May 6, 2000
  • ''House & Garden'', Alan Ayckbourn; director: Nina Kleflin, May 24 and 25, 2002
  • ''Popcorn'', Ben Elton; director: Dražen Ferenčina, May 16, 2003

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