The ticket full price is 70 kunas

Organized sales (more than 15 people):

  • companies - 45 kunas
  • schools - 35 kunas

Choose the advantages given to you by Gavella cards!

Gavella kampanja city
  • You are entitled to a discount when purchasing tickets
  • the card enables You to choose the performances and their schedules according to your desires and obligations during the season
  • the card gives You the opportunity to bring your family, friends or business associates to a performance
  • purchasing the card entitles You to a monthly performance schedule which is regularly delivered to your home address
  • the card enables You to purchase an unlimited number of tickets for any première or regular performance, as well as all guest performances organized by our theatre

Choose your card:

  • Gavella card

    - card price – 70 kunas
    - individual ticket price – 45 kunas

  • Gavella card plus

    - for school children, students and senior citizens
    - card price – 35 kunas
    - individual ticket price – 35 kunas

  • Gavella gift card

    - buy at least six tickets in advance which You can use for any première or regular performance from the Gavella theatre's repertoire, as well as guest performances organized by our theatre
    - gift card price – 240 kunas
    - (individual ticket price – 40 kunas)
    - an ideal gift – give your family members, friends or business associates tickets to our performances by their own choice

  • Gavella student card

    - for organized student visits to the theatre
    - registration and payment – from the beginning of the school year to November 1, 2017
    - individual ticket price – 30 kunas

  • "Gavella to You..." - 20 kunas

You can subscribe to our card at the Gavella's box-office in Frankopanska 10 street, Zagreb, every day, except Sunday, from 10,00 am to 8,00 pm.

For all information call our marketing and sales office, tel. 01/4864 601, or the theatre box-office, tel. 01/4864 616

Next on the repertoire

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Monday, 31. March 20:00 h

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Tuesday, 01. April 19:30 h

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Tuesday, 01. April 20:00 h