Born in 1959 in Vukovar. After finishing primary school and graduating from high-school he studied literature at the Faculty of Pedagogy in Osijek and acting at the ADA in Zagreb, dislocated study in Osijek. He belongs to the second class of the graduates who have finished their studies in 1984 when he also got his first professional engagement in the theatre in Osijek.

In the past twenty years that he's been in the acting business he played over forty leading and title roles and, as a guest, performed in other Croatian theatres (ZYT, CNT in Varaždin, Dubrovnik Summer Festival, The Histrions, the Croatian Theatre in Pecs, which he co-founded and where he played a number of outstanding roles).

For two seasons (1991/1993) he was a member of Gavella Drama Theatre. As an actor he appears in radio and television drama productions, as well as on film. He was awarded several times for his work (the Days of Satire, the Actor's Festival)... Occasionally he is involved in directing. He has directed several concert performances of plays by the younger generation of Croatian dramatists (Brumec, Kiseljak, Madunić, Špišić). In 1994, in the Student Centre, he staged Asja Srnec Todorović Uzmak's play (''On The Eve of Morning'') – a play that received favourable reviews by prominent Croatian theatre critics.

From 1995 to 2002, while working as the general manager of the Drama department of the Croatian National Theatre, he was involved in selecting the drama repertoire as well as in theatre aesthetic and organizational and operative management of the drama ensemble.

He was an acting professor to the younger generation of actors in Osijek, in charge of coordination with the ADA in Zagreb.

Since fall 2002 he has once again became a member of Gavella Drama Theatre ensemble.

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